artist statement
“The works in this series explore the healing properties of water and its ability to connect and ground us. As the most abundant compound on Earth and what comprises over 60% of our own bodies, water connects all people. After a recent injury I returned to swimming for recovery. I grew up swimming, and most of my childhood memories revolve around water. Returning to the pool altered not only my physical body, it also shifted my mental state. A flood of memories came back to me each time I entered the water, the sounds of the outside world were cut off and distorted, I was only left with constant motion and time to reflect. The compositions in these works presented themselves to me while flowing through the water, observing the sounds, light refractions and the water's movement.”
- katrine hildebrandt-hussey
about the artist
Katrine hildebrandt-Hussey
(b. 1982) is a Boston-based visual artist whose work is inspired by sacred geometry and the metaphysical mapping of space and time. Using volatile processes like burning paper, the artist creates layered, geometric work. She primarily explores patterns, and meditates on the correlation between chaos and order, permanence and transience, and the interconnectivity of the universe. She earned her BFA at Hartwick College and her MFA in Sculpture at Massachusetts College of Art & Design.
Hildebrandt-Hussey’s work references sacred spaces and architecture from many different cultures, drawing on familiar visual signs or symbols and rearranging them into a new layered map. Every drawing is a diagram of energies and forces that aim to connect the conscious with the unconscious through hypnotic, trance-inducing compositions. The process of handling burning paper is ritualistic and meditative in action, but it also reflects the duality of life, permanence and transience.